digital detox plan

1 Helpful Digital Detox Plan

I’m not sure about you but I’m very familiar with being threatened to go on an involuntary digital detox as a kid who would have rather played video games than listening to my parents. As an adult, however, I can understand the need and want.

I enjoy reading with only the sound of traffic in the background. Sitting on the back porch and watching everything going on around can be calming. My cat, honestly, would love if I went on a digital detox so I could pay her all the attention and not my phone or laptop.

digital detox day with family

In this article, we’re going to talk about what digital detox is, if it’s effective, and its disadvantages, among other things.

What is a Digital Detox Day?

That all sounds great but what exactly is it? It’s a time when you stop using your phone, laptop, tv, or any other electronic device. A detox allows you to reconnect with your friends and family. Ultimately, it plays a positive role in your self-improvement journey.

Is it Necessary?

Many would say yes, especially experts. Search “digital use and mental health” and you can see how necessary it is for yourself.

Is it Effective?

Beyond a doubt, a digital detox is effective.

Detoxing can improve your sleep. Many people have trouble sleeping and taking a break from anything digital can help tremendously.

sleep for digital detoxing

Your social interactions can be improved. I personally only had friends online for a long time after I left school and it has taken a while to improve my interactions in person. The more you detox, the more your interactions will improve.

How often do you check your phone while you’re working? The impact on your productivity is a lot if you sit down and think about it. Taking a break can make you more productive.

According to this study, there’s a link between social media usage and depression. Sitting for a long time isn’t healthy so taking a break, maybe taking a walk instead, is good for you and your health.

Disadvantages of a Digital Detox

While there are many benefits, there are also some disadvantages of digital detox too.

You miss out on stuff going on with friends and family you don’t live with. Maybe you miss out on an engagement or a birthday. There’s a chance you’ll miss out on something with a time limit.

missing a birthday due to digital detox

It’s hard to come back to work. The break from the world can be so nice that you forget just how much stuff is happening all the time with work.

There’s no sharing anything. How can you take and share pictures of all the great things you discover while detoxing? Unfortunately, you’re not able to.

Where Do I Start a Digital Detox?

So I’ve convinced you to do a detox but now what? Keep reading for methods to help and later how to do a full-day detox.

There’s an App!

Like with most of everything, there is an app for it. In this case, I’ve found several. Keep in mind these are helpful if you’re doing smaller detoxes.

digital detox apps

Flipd is an app that lets you limit your screen time. It can be a good starting point for your detox.

Want to find out how much time you spend on social media? The AntiSocial App keeps track of how much time you spend on apps. It may be a helpful way to start being aware.

Moment has automatic shut-offs and you’re able to enable time limits, as well as enable reminders. You can even set up the app family-wide. How great is that?

The Forest app allows you to plant a tree each time you want to be productive. Your tree will grow in the half-hour you keep the app on. If you leave before the thirty minutes is up, your tree dies.

I personally love the idea. An even better thing about the Forest app? They plant real trees!

The Unclock Clock app keeps track of how many times you unlock your phone.

Cell Phone Sleeping Bags: This is a weird one and one I had to search to find more than just images. It’s ideal for a day away. 

Cell phones sleeping bags enable you to put your phone away. Kind of an out of sight, out of mind thing. Do you think it would work for you?

Are you ready for your full-day digital detox yet? If you are, I have five steps listed to help you.

Plan for it

Make a digital detox plan. Send out any emails that are expecting a reply soon. Make any phone calls you need to. Let your work, family, and friends know you will be unavailable digitally for a day but that they can talk if they come by your house or see you outside of it. 

digital detox planning

Don’t forget to hide your remote if you own a tv and put your laptop in a cabinet you tend to forget about. 

Start Your Digital Detox

This is a great time to break out your cell phone sleeping bag! Turn off your phone before you do it so you don’t turn it on to find a dead battery in a day.

walking is a digital detox activity

Use the time during the detox to take a walk, journal, or even learn to knit. It may be a great time to learn a new skill.

Ease Back in but Slowly

Don’t let your time be a waste! Download the apps listed above to make sure you don’t get attached too much. 

Make your room a “tech-free” area. Plug your phone in overnight in another room and buy an alarm clock (or several, if need be). Your sleep should improve.

Keep your phone away from whenever you eat. If you sit down with others and eat, leave your phone somewhere else. If you do something else, leave your phone where you can’t reach it and engage in conversations.

powered off phone for digital detox

Keep doing the activities you enjoyed during the detox! Maybe you can even continue a project you started. Your body will appreciate a walk and your eyes will appreciate the break.

So what are you waiting for? Go start your digital detox day and let us know how it goes after!


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