romantic indoor camping

Best 13 Romantic Indoor Camping Activities

So my partner and I are not campers or outside people. At all. I grew up with ticks and humidity and he grew up in California–which usually just explains everything when I tell people. Our last outside date was maybe two years ago? I dragged him around the town on a scavenger hunt through one of those apps I mentioned in a previous article. It was a nice exercise but we haven’t been on that sort of date since. We love romantic indoor camping as we’re much more the inside date kind of people, where we watch the latest show we’re binging and eat whatever good food he’s made (I, meanwhile, hate cooking).

13 Romantic Indoor Camping Activities for Couples

If you’re anything like us, an indoor camp date sounds so much better. Keep reading and I’ll tell you about multiple ways for romantic indoor camping!

1. Make an Invite

If you’re crafty or can find/make a cute printable online, create an invite and stick it in your partner’s work bag, by their coffee, or wherever else they’re likely to find it. Make sure to include the date, time, and tell them to wear comfy clothes!

romantic printable for couples

You can find a good amount of craft supplies at your local Dollar Tree, similar stores, or craft stores. I personally really miss the days of browsing the clearance stamps at Michaels. 

2. No Phone Zone! (At least in your romantic indoor camping)

Do you remember the days before you could take pictures on your phone and it took forever to type out a text? Yeah, I don’t much remember that time either. Either way, pick up your old camera that is in a storage bin somewhere and put down your phone. Use the older camera to take pictures until the date is over in the morning. 

You can also find instant cameras usually in gift isles or sometimes electronics. They look like the ones you saw growing up, the bright yellow ones, and it’s so weird to me that kids now think they’re new when I barely remember them.

3. Set Up Your Tent Together

You can use an actual tent or just make a fort. Whatever is more fun for you guys and how handy both or either of you is. 

Making a fort is one of the best romantic indoor camping activities. I personally would ask to make a fort because it’s quicker and I don’t have to help much. With a tent, I’d probably just stand around and hand him things.

4. Watch Movies

I know, I know, you could do that anytime. Except that you won’t because this time you’ll each pick a movie you love but your partner won’t watch for whatever reason. For me, this is any and all horror. Another good way to get in plenty of cuddles!

a couple watching a movie

You can also just have a movie marathon of movies you’ve collectively wanted to see but haven’t for whatever reason. My partner and I have a good list of these, probably because I have to be in a very specific mood (ie, no other important things to get done) to focus enough and get engrossed. If I start looking at my phone or get up to use the bathroom, the suspension of disbelief is gone and so is my attention.

What are some movies you haven’t seen? What are some you refuse to watch but your partner really wants you to? Start thinking now and put them on your watch list in your next romantic indoor camping. 

5. Sleep in a Double Sleeping Bag

Just because you’re having romantic indoor camping doesn’t mean you can’t be cozy! Turn off your home’s heat (or put it on low, depending on where you are) when you go to bed and snuggle into your partner. You’ll still wake up nice and toasty–but go run and turn on that heat when you get up.

You can find two of them here.

Of course, this does depend on the time of year it is and where you live. It’s winter in many parts in the US but you may live in an area where it doesn’t get that cold. I have fond memories of some romantic indoor camping activities of a friend’s freezing house and sitting around his fireplace waiting for the area to heat up because he only kept the heat on when someone was home, which wasn’t often.

6. Put Up Lights/Candles

If you can be mindful of candles, put them everywhere it makes sense to do so and create a nice ambiance.

If you’re like me and can’t be trusted due to forgetfulness you can find string lights to hang around the room and make it look prettier. I would string it especially over the tent or fort and against the wall if you can. 

7. Put Up Stars

In my article for an indoor camping party for kids, I bring up putting up glow in the dark stars. The stars could be a nice addition to the lights and make your space look bright but romantic. Or it could be the opposite… Try it and let me know how it goes?

put up star for your romantic indoor camping

You can find way more than you need here.

8. Cuddle Up in a Loveseat

Until I read another article as research for this one, I had no idea they made camp chairs into loveseats but they do. It kind of makes me want this for no other reason other than another place to snuggle.

Either way, the above loveseat is good for romantic indoor camping and outdoor camping so if you do eventually go camping outside your house, you can fold it right up and bring it with you. Be sure to check out some of the other chairs from that site too, some of them are interesting!

9. Play Cards

Unless you or your partner is annoyingly competitive, in which case don’t. My own partner learned how to beat me at my favorite card game by researching strategies and practicing on a simulator after I beat him. Don’t be him, okay?

My personal favorite is Skipbo, followed by Uno, although it’s a far second. Did you know there are like a million different versions of Uno now? I didn’t either until I saw different versions in the game section back in big box stores or online.

If you don’t have cards laying around, it’s an easy addition to your next grocery or box office pickup order. 

10. Order Local Takeout During Romantic Indoor Camping

It may not be very camplike but local restaurants can all use our help right now. Order from your favorite one or pick a new place and support a business that needs it.

couple eating local takeout

If you’re not sure, try a gastropub for burgers like you may grill over a campfire or go fancier as in a romantic dinner and order duck or fish. I have a friend who owns both kinds of places and we order brunch weekly from his gastropub and lunch from his fancier restaurant once a week. 

Are there local restaurants you support? 

11. Have a Kiss-a-Thon

It sounds silly but it’s just another term for making out. If you want to have more fun, try to see who can pin each other down first. I enjoy doing this with my partner, even if I lose. 

Grab a blanket, cuddle together, and kiss your partner over and over!

12. Make S’mores in Your Romantic Indoor Camping

I’ll be honest in that I have never enjoyed s’mores but I know plenty of others do. Use this time to stuff your tummy with the kind you can make indoors. You can find recipes here, here, and here.

Fancy fancy s’mores for the romantic indoor camping trip? I’ve got you covered there too! Try s’more creme brulee, s’more cheesecake, and s’mores fudge.

13. Have a Cookoff! 

If you’re not in the mood for takeout in your romantic indoor camping, you can easily have a cookoff. Grab a recipe you both can easily make, gather the ingredients, set up two identical stations, start your timer, and go! Sample and compare when you’re done.


If you want to include your friends in sort of a double date sort of way, have the four (or more) of you do the same thing and either talk over something like Zoom while you cook or just do so after when you’re trying your’s and your partner’s food. In this way, these romantic indoor camping activities will turn into so much fun.

Plan Your Next Trip with these Romantic Indoor Camping Activities

It’s the beginning of winter and we have a good amount of time till spring or summer but start planning now! Try to find places off the beaten path to avoid crowds but still in a safe area. Make sure to plan to bring your dog or dogs if you have one too because a good adventure for them is always a good thing, right?

Keep in mind pandemic restrictions are different state to state and sometimes area to area so expect there to be some planning possibly involved there too. I would suggest sticking to the area you feel safest in. I live right on the border of another state and will not go into their state due to their restrictions; many feel the same about my state.

Are there any activities you think I’m missing? Feel free to let me know. I’m always on the hunt for good ideas.

Go plan your romantic indoor camping activities and date today. Let me know which ideas you used in the comments below!

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