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7 Rules to Follow on How to Power Nap without Oversleeping

How to Power Nap Without Oversleeping?

Power napping is sweet and tempting for any sleep-deprived worker, who may likely take it anytime of the day. A power nap can help you improve your productivity and last through the day without a problem. Before, I was mortified to try it because I did not know how to power nap without oversleeping while at work.

Sleeping at work is never a good thing right from the start. But, what will you do if you keep losing sleep at night? Lack of sleep can make you feel sluggish and uncoordinated, which may likely affect your productivity.

To avoid an awkward and embarrassing situation, there are 7 rules that you need to know about how to power nap without oversleeping.

Rule 1: Make Sure that You are Allowed to Take Power Naps

Yes, I said that all you need to do to avoid oversleeping when you go power napping is to follow these rules, and the first one seems to be somewhat off. It’s the bitter truth but a power nap is not for all of us. If you have trouble sleeping at night or suffering from insomnia, power napping is definitely not for you.

power nap

Instead of giving you benefits, power naps may worsen your already dysfunctional nighttime sleep. For someone who finds it difficult to get a goodnight’s sleep, the little power nap may bring big trouble. Before you try power napping, make sure that you don’t have trouble falling asleep at night or other health issues that may affect your nighttime sleep.

Rule 2: Find a Sweet Spot to Take Your Power Nap

Having a power nap in an uncomfortable, noisy place may only lead to oversleeping. You may not be able to fall asleep right away, especially if it’s too noisy. Instead of feeling rejuvenated, you may end up more tired than before.

You need to scout your surroundings and find a good spot to power nap. It should be a quiet, comfortable, and inconspicuous place. Make sure that no one will disturb you so you can savor every minute of your power nap.

Rule 3: Choose the Tool that can Help You Wake Up and Never Hit Snooze

You may set the alarm that can wake you up using your phone, an alarm clock, or an app, such as Alarmy and AlarmMon. It is important to never ever hit the snooze button. Otherwise, it defies the purpose of setting an alarm.

When you hear your alarm going off, drag your body to get up if you must. Always keep in mind that you are just taking a power nap and not a long nap. If you go back to sleep after hitting the snooze button, you will likely oversleep.

If you use an app, you can choose the sound that you think can wake you up right away. This rule is one of the most important things you need to remember about how to power nap without oversleeping.

Rule 4: The Ideal Length of How to Power Nap is Between 15 and 30 Minutes

It may take 5 minutes before you fall asleep when you go power napping. I usually set my alarm to go off after 25 minutes. It usually takes me 5 minutes to find my sweet spot, and then fall asleep.

Some people are lucky enough to doze off after bowing their heads, but not me. I need some time to settle myself and fall asleep. Going beyond 30 minutes for a power nap is not a good idea because you will feel groggy and tired when you wake up.

Rule 5: Drink Coffee Before You Take Your Power Nap

You read it right, and I’m not pulling your leg or anything. You might ask, “Coffee can wake you up, why drink it before taking a power nap?” Believe it or not, the experts recommend it.

Caffeine begins to kick in 15 to 20 minutes after drinking it. While waiting for it to kick in, you can take your power nap. By the time the full effect of caffeine hits your body, you are already about to wake up from your power nap.


As a result, you should feel fully awake and rejuvenated after that. You can finish the rest of your tasks for the day and still have enough energy to spend time with your family. Keep in mind that you can only get this benefit when you drink your coffee at the time that you are about to take your power nap.

Rule 6: Take Your Power Nap without Guilt

Your power nap should make you feel better and not the other way around. When you feel guilty for taking a power nap, you will not be able to fall asleep on time. As a result, you may sleep longer than intended.

When you sleep longer than half an hour, your body will feel sluggish when you wake up. Instead of feeling refreshed, you may feel more tired than before. When you take a power nap, think only of positive things and tell yourself that you can do more if you have renewed energy.

Rule 7: Don’t Make Your Place of Sleep Too Comfortable

It is easy to oversleep if you have a very comfortable place. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you should sleep somewhere uncomfortable. It’s just that, don’t make it too comfortable that you wouldn’t want to get up or makes it so easy for you to hit the snooze button.

Choose the level of comfort that makes it easy for you to abandon the place once your alarm sets off. Don’t forget that you are just taking a power nap and not a long one.

power napping

If you are uncertain whether you have health issues or not, it is prudent to consult your doctor. If you encounter some difficulties falling asleep or feeling tired all the time, you need to visit a health professional immediately. Your prompt action can prevent any disease or condition from escalating into something more troublesome.

That’s how to power nap without oversleeping. It may not be easy at first, but you’ll get the hang of it. You also only need to take power naps between 2 and 3 times each week.

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