indoor camping activities for adults teens and kids

24 Great Indoor Camping Activities for All

Indoor camping is a great activity to go on a digital detox for everyone, Covid or not. It is a time to use your imagination but be safe in the process. You can control what is happening around you. Indoor camping activities are for people of any age. It is fun for adults, teens, and kids.

No matter if you have experience camping or not, indoor camping is a way to get fun experiences without the hassle of rainy weather and dirty clothes. You can still shower and have a clean experience with indoor camping that you can’t have in outdoor tent camping. Have your own fun camping experience in your own home. Below you can find fun ideas and indoor camping activities for adults, teens, and kids! There are options for everyone.

Indoor Camping Activities for Adults

Since you’re an adult, much burden lies on your shoulder, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. That is why we have got some indoor camping activities for you.

1. Make s’mores at the indoor fire 

Who says s’mores are only for kids? Who can resist chocolate and yummy crunchy but gushy marshmallows? Nobody… there is absolutely no age too old for s’mores.

make s'more during indoor camping

Collect some firewood beforehand and compare stick size. Share stories over the indoor fire and enjoy every last crunchy bite.

2. Set up a tent

Is it even camping if there isn’t a tent to do different indoor camping activities inside it? Make you and your significant other a cute little romantic tent setup. Try and have a bigger tent so you can put in a blowup mattress and some candles (fake of course… you don’t want to kick a candle in your sleep and wake up with a fire in your house).

Even though you have a bed in our room, it is a totally different experience to set up a tent and get all cozy in the living room. Use your imagination, get some fun throw blankets and make it a memorable evening inside the tent.

3. Make tinfoil dinners and have trail mix

Cook over the fire in little foils! Heat some tortillas and make tacos over the traditional “stove”. Pre-pack some homemade trail mix. The best concoction is is a mix of chocolate chips, peanuts, almonds, m&m’s, and peanut butter chips. Everyone likes little snacks throughout the day. Bound to have a sweet evening with this goodness.

4. Sing old songs

Ever had an indoor karaoke night? Sing old camp songs. Reminisce about when you were just a kid playing at camp… actual outdoor camp.

couple singing in indoor camping

Add some drinks and get funny! Share old stories and fun indoor camping activities and sing catchy tunes together under the stars.

5. Play card games

Use as little technology as possible. You rarely have service in the woods so why should it be any different at home? Pretend service and wifi are off. Enjoy the moment and play rummy 500 or poker. Card games are always a fun way to spot the most competitive players. You can also play charades or something of the sort if you aren’t a fan of card games.

Indoor Camping Activities for Teens

Teenage is the time of our life when we make life-long memories. To make sure you enjoy every moment, we recommend doing these indoor camping activities for teens.

6. Make a giant sleeping fort 

Use the couch cushions and make yourselves a giant fort. A big sleepover party. Grab some blowup mattresses or even the mattresses from the bed and some sleeping bags and make it a big party. Nothing is more fun than sharing stories and memories with your closest friends in the comfort of your own home while doing recreational indoor camping activities.

7. Get a bunch of snacks

Have plenty of chips and dips to enjoy other indoor camping activities. Indulge in the sweetness of a home getaway.

snacks in indoor camping

No meal prepping, just eat remade snacks and have fun with the little escape from the parents.

8. Decorate the ceiling and space

Decorate your space with glow stars on the ceiling. If you can’t be under the stars, make your own constellations. Put little glow lights everywhere and watch the room light up at night. Name the stars after yourselves and use them as a fashion statement. Make sure to take pictures for Pinterest or Instagram to post after your indoor camping activities or excursion. Try your best not to use social media during this time.

9. Play two truths in a lie

Find the best detective in the group. Get your game face on. This is a fantastic way to get to know your friends better and to make sure you have your eyes open to the sneaky ones in the group. This game is a great way to laugh and stay lighthearted, which are the most important two things when stuck in a room with your friends or family.

10. Play nature sounds with a noise machine

Inside can be quiet and spooky. Try and pick the quietest room to set up the fort so you don’t hear road noise.

listening to music

Then play the noise machine with animal sounds to get really in the element.

11. Make bracelets 

Arts and crafts are so fun! Get some string and thread beforehand and make some pretty friendship bracelets. If those are too hard just get some beads and thread them through the string. Get your favorite stones like Rose quartz or amethyst and they’ll have a purpose behind them too. 

12. Braid each other’s hair 

Try out new hairstyles or master the French braid. Everyone has a unique look, figure out which one is your favorite or which one is the cutest. Take pictures of before and after of each other. 

13. Have a dance party 

Play your favorite tunes and have a pillow fight and dance party.

teens dancing in indoor camping

Nothing feels better than a little flow and nothing is more freeing than just moving to the beat. Get your dance on! 

14. Journal or write 

We don’t spend enough time writing to write. Take a break from the captions and from reading everyone else’s highlights. It will be there when you get back. Take the time to go inward and feel how you feel. Write. Write from a prompt or write from your heart. Write a poem or a song. You’ll be shocked what you can come up with when you have absolutely nobody you need to impress. 

15. Singing camp songs 

Or maybe even making up your own songs… about what you’re doing. Who can sing the sweetest? Who can hold a note the longest? Maybe you’ll discover some new hidden talents. Either way, you will definitely have some fun stories for after the indoor adventures. 

Indoor Camping Activities for Kids

Your kids are just starting out on a journey to make new memories. Following these indoor camping activities, your little you (of course, you kiddo) can live the childhood to the fullest while staying healthy and safe. Moreover, parents can enjoy an indoor camping party with kids. 

16. Kid yoga 

Kids have so much energy. They need to learn to master it at a young age. Especially kids today. ADD, anxiety and depression are at all-time high mental health disorders these days.

kids yoga

It’s hard to master your brain instead of having it master you. So start young. Train yourself to control yourself. Yoga is one of the best indoor camping activities to do that. 

17. Play Uno 

Uno is a very kid-friendly game. It also incorporates a little bit of critical thinking and color and number skills. This way the kids can learn without even knowing they’re learning. You’re also adding a new language to their vocabulary. If you want to learn a language you have to start young so it lasts and you don’t have an accent. What better way to learn a language than through a fun game? 

18. Paint handprints 

Get some paint and make some art. No iPads allowed. Have your kids make art to look at for the rest of their lives. Make a fingerprint every year from birth to 15. Watch the growth. Watch the beauty. 

19. Have a pillow fight 

It can be hard to be inside all the time, so get out that energy and have a fun pillow fight with rules of course.

kids pillow fight in indoor camping

No hard hitting but light little taps with the pillow are always fun. 

20. Play hide and seek

Play hide and seek with the little ones. Don’t forget to check the cupboards and the closets! 

21. Share ghost stories 

Have the kids come up with their own ghost stories. Watch how their imaginations work. Pay attention to the details. Once they’re done, ask questions. Make them think critically and creatively. Watch their eyes and emotions as they tell the stories. Engaging your kids in such indoor camping activities also builds their analytical skills.

22. Have a tickle war

See who can go the longest without laughing while being tickled. Have a safe word so it never gets too serious and stays fun and simple. 

23. Make origami or paper planes 

Who can make the most efficient paper plane? Who can fly their plane the furthest? The winner wins an extra m&m or some sweet and of course bragging rights.

kids making paper planes

You can also make birds or seagulls with paper and see who can make the prettiest swan. 

24. Make fruit loop necklaces 

Eat your way through your crafts and enjoy the time in every way possible. Making beaded bracelets or threading may be too complex for kids so fruit loop necklaces are definitely kid-friendly. 

The options are endless for ideas when it comes to indoor camping activities. Appreciate the beauty of your own home and the safety of the indoors with all the mayhem going on. Use your imagination and you can create the ultimate camping experience.

From making an indoor tent to cute friendship bracelets to origami, you have so many options and many fun memories in your house. Keep it cute and fun and lighthearted so nobody’s house burns down! Adults, teens, and kids can all have such a unique and one-of-a-kind experience while doing such similar but age-appropriate indoor camping activities. 


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