romantic staycation at home

Perfect Couples Romantic Staycation: 21 Ways

Have you ever wished you could just get away on a romantic vacation but can’t for whatever reason? Maybe it’s due to a lack of money or maybe you just aren’t the kind of people who want to spend that much for a week or so. Maybe, even, you just don’t like leaving your town in general. Worry not as you have a much better option that is called romantic staycation for couples.  

I personally have all these ideas to do something romantic outside my house and then I remember neither of us like leaving and we can save a lot just being at home. We generally end up snuggled watching something on tv and having a “cheat day.” It works for us and it can work for you too.  

21 Ways for a Perfect Romantic Staycation for Couples

Keep reading to discover twenty-one ways to plan the perfect romantic staycation that can also mark your way to self-improvement. On top of all, there are many benefits of staycations.

1. Stop the Mail

I’m entirely serious. Contact your local post office and have them hold your mail for a week to enjoy your romantic staycation.

stop the mail in your romantic staycation

If you have any packages coming that can handle being outside, do your best to set a special place for them and add to your delivery notes if possible. Send any birthday, anniversary, or anything else cards to avoid them being late. 

2. Plan Ahead

Tying right into the above suggestion, plan! Make sure you pay any bills ahead of time if you’re able so you won’t have to worry about it. Set up auto-payments on things like rent, insurance, phone, and other bigger bills. 

Go grocery shopping beforehand. Ask family or your kids’ friends’ parents to take them for the week. Before your romantic staycation, write down emergency numbers and any other important information for whoever is watching your kids.

3. Communicate!

With your partner and with others. Let your work and friends and family communicate with you and let them know that you will be unavailable during your romantic staycation unless for extreme emergencies. Make sure you define “extreme emergencies,” and have your partner do the same with their work, family, and friends. 

4. Set a Budget (and Stick to It)

Even though you’re staying at home, your spending can easily get out of control. I don’t know about you but I have a one-touch payment set up on my phone, as well as my credit card linked to my phone, so buying things at the click of a button is beyond easy.

budget list for romantic staycation Talk about how much you want to spend then think about the things you want to do during a romantic staycation and create a list with your partner. Include the prices of those things. Go over and edit it, going back and forth, to take enough items off your list until it fits into your budget.

All of that was to get to your actual vacation. Now to get to the fun stuff!

5. Take a Drive

Are there nearby places you’ve always wanted to visit? Grab a blanket and go at sunrise or sunset to watch and snuggle. Mountains or high hills are great for this romantic staycation drive and you may be joined by others with the same idea.

Maybe there’s a local spot where all the teens sit in their cars and make out. Go be a teen again and, in this romantic staycation, make out with your partner in your car. 

6. Hike for Views

I’ll be honest in that I don’t do hiking and neither does my partner but you guys may be the exact opposite. 

Maybe you and your partner are super active and enjoy discovering new trails together. Take this opportunity in your romantic staycation to map out one with a pretty view. You can even bring a picnic, just make sure you bring your trash with you if there are no available trash cans. 

7. Sleep in

One my partner would wholeheartedly agree with!

Turn off your alarms and close your blinds. You have absolutely no reason to get up in your romantic staycation at any certain time.

a couple sleepinga couple sleepingTake the extra time you’re awake and use it for extra snuggles. If you do end up waking up at your normal time, try to go back to sleep or just lay in bed until your partner wakes up.

8. Breakfast in Bed

Ideally, both of you should have a turn with this. Make them their favorite breakfast meal and wake them up by bringing it into your room. Set up a table of some sort in advance for a surface to put them on.

Can’t cook? That’s okay, neither can I! 

Your partner will likely understand this and shouldn’t have a problem if you decide to have their favorite food delivered instead–provided you stick with the budget. Feel free to make a simple card to bring in with the delivery that expresses how you feel to make your romantic staycation even more recreational.

9. Visit a Museum

This may be harder in a smaller town but find out when your local museum is open and include ticket prices in your budget. My own town has several museums to choose from and many are doing virtual exhibits now. If it’s a large museum, hold hands and enjoy strolling through being inspired, saddened, or excited together with your partner. 

10. Go Explore

One of the most fun things I’ve done with my partner on a romantic staycation was a scavenger hunt, only instead of items, it was buildings and sculptures around our town! You can find an adventure like that online or you can go more simple and explore local bakeries, bookstores, etc.

couple on a bookstore

Maybe you pick an area of town, a mall, or a street and explore it. Make sure you wearing walking shoes and bring water. Also, be sure to take pictures of both what you see and of you and your partner!

11. Game Night!

I once bragged to my partner about how good I was at a particular card game and he made it a point to learn how to play better than me. I’m still plotting about how to get him back. 

If you’re like me, you already have a ton of games at home. If you don’t, a thrift store or sales at game stores are great places to pick them up. Focus on games you can play, just the two of you, and have fun with it!

12. Cook or Bake Together

Let’s hope one or both of you can make food without your residence burning down! Gather ingredients and make a meal together. You can turn on music and sing together as you do or just enjoy playfully picking on each other during the process. 

13. Spend Time in Your Backyard

Build a campfire in your backyard and roast marshmallows! Snuggle in a hammock.

backyard campfire in romantic staycation

Set up your kid’s water slide and take it for a spin yourselves.

14. Take an Art Class

Doesn’t this sound like fun? Sign up for an art class with your partner.

This class could be at your local community college or it could be one of those ones where you drink wine and paint. It’s up to you!

15. Go Shopping

I don’t mean for things just for you or just for them but for both of you! Surprise him by buying that lingerie they’ve wanted you to buy forever. Or go more practical during your romantic staycation and buy something for your house that’s needed.

It’s up to both of you!

16. Rent a Room

Maybe there’s a quaint bed and breakfast you always send out-of-town guests to but you’ve never stayed there yourself.

couple in a hotel

There could also be a local hotel with an interesting past you’ve been curious about. Rent a room at one of the two and check them out!

17. Have an at Home Spay Day

Spend the day taking turns pampering each other. Having your hair washed by someone else, for example, feels really good. Other examples include massages, baths, and skin treatments.

Your partner (and your body) will thank you later!

18. Have a Fancy Dinner

Everyone has those places you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t for whatever reason. Take a chance in this romantic staycation and reserve a table at a fancy restaurant or order take-out instead. Either way, you get delicious new food and you try it with your partner!

19. Take a Walk

Not a hike, we’ve already covered that! Hold hands and walk around your neighborhood. Maybe bring your dog along for some laughs.

couple walking in romantic staycation

It’s a great, easy exercise and it’s a nice way to see around where you live.

20. Volunteer

Now this one may seem out of the left-field but it’s romantic! Discuss a way to help out that both of you care about and join in the efforts. Maybe this could be walking dogs at the local shelter, planting trees, or cleaning up a nearby river or beach. 

Studies showed an 8.54% increase in the mental health of those adults who volunteer regularly. Your environment, or the organizations, will thank you and you’ll feel good you did an activity to help others. 

21. Binge TV

I don’t know about you but one of my favorite romantic staycation activities is binging tv and snuggling with my partner. Either find a show one of you wants to watch and take turns after the show’s ended or find stuff you both want to watch. Do take out too so all you have to do is get up and answer the door. 

You can also discover exciting indoor camping activities to enjoy even more. I hope you’ve enjoyed discovering all the ways to enjoy a romantic staycation at home and I hope you’ll check them out soon!

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